Both Debbie and Vicki have awarded me a "you make my day" award which I need to pass on to three people. Thank you both very much. If I could I definitely would pass this back to Vicki, she is such a kind person and frequently makes my day. Plus this is the second time she's given me a "you make my day" award. (The first time I never did anything with it being very new to blogging, slapped wrist!.) Any way here goes
Donna, Tillymint and Debbie.
Julie thank you so much for giving me the award - it has came at a time when i needed a pick me up!
Thank You!
Oooohhhh!!!! Julie how very kind of you to say so. I love visiting your blog, your creations are so wonderful. Your an extremely talented lady, and I feel very priveledged to 'know' you. You so deserve this award. Thank you for your kindness xx vicki xx
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