Wednesday 19 March 2008

Tagged Again

I've been tagged by both Kelly Jo and Katty Bell, thanks ladies!
Here are the rules:
  • Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
  • Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them.
  • Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
  • Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Hmm I like to think of myself as being pretty normal but here goes.

1. I don't own a pair of jeans and very rarely wear trousers.
2. It's not unknown for me to go through a whole week without watching any TV.
3. I hate pizza.
4. I've never seen any of the Starwars movies.
5. I tend to read books in one sitting even if it means staying up all night. 7am has found me coming to the end of a book on more than one occasion!
6. I can't use a plastic cup for fruit juice - has to be a glass.
7. I can't ice skate because I never quite mastered the fear that someone would chop my fingers off by skating over them when I fell over.

Now I'm going to break the rules by not tagging anybody but instead just listing 7 blogs that I find particularly inspiring. Hopefully you'll be inspired too.
Thinking Inking
Mish Mash
Twisted Chick Creations
Sassy & Sweet Notes
No Time to Stamp?
Running with Scissors
Just Give me Stamps

If you've managed to read this far and are wishing that I had tagged you either because you've got 7 things about yourself that you've always wanted to share with the world, or because you've got 7 inspirational blogs you want to share, then leave a comment to this post and we'll come visit you and find out all about it!


Melissa said...

"I can't ice skate because I never quite mastered the fear that someone would chop my fingers off by skating over them when I fell over."

My sister had that experience. Luckily, with her gloves and stuff it just cut her hand. I haven't been ice skating since!

Jean said...

I used to think that about the ice skating myself, I did it anyway but was always afraid. Glad to know I am not the only non-star wars fan out here.... LOL

My Paper World said...

I Live in jeans!!! but Yep! I share that ice-skating fear too!
I also saw someone about to trip over someone who had fallen over. They tried to jump over them instead, and cut their head open with their skate!!
Yikes!!! Now I've given you another reason not to go skating! LOL!
Nicola xx


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